Get Your Ex Back Blog
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Going Into The Future By Making A Leap Back
Topic: Relationship Advice
proceeding ahead It might be odd, I know, but often in order to move forward in your relationship, you need to take a step in reverse.


You see, if your relationship with your spouse isn't figuring out as you intended, or even bad, it already ended, this can in reality be a great occasion to get things moving forward again.

When you brake up with someone, there is usually someone that will try hard to fix the relationship. If the other individual of the couple doesn't want this, well, there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm just saying calling, emailing, texting and generally trying to stay friends is working against you. Your ex wants to be single for some time, so forcing yourself onto him or her with constant contact could be driving him or her further away.

By taking one step back to reassess the relationship that was, you're in the position to see where elements could have went wrong. You'll additionally be giving yourselves both a bit of time to be apart.

It's during this time that your ex is probable to start thinking why contact from you has stopped. Regardless of how badly your relationship terminated, remember this is a person who had some feelings for you at one time. Even if those feelings might be buried underneath some other thoughts or matters right this moment, those feelings are still hidden in there somewhere.

When you truly wish your ex to deliver those feelings back to the surface, the answer might be to give him even more distance,which means you really should let them on their own. They'll want to comprehend exactly why you've lost your interest. Your ex will "be curious what happened to you.

Sooner or later, they'll be the ones that will strive to reconstruct the connection.

During this time, it might be hard to avoid contemplating about your ex and wondering what they're doing or who are they with. Rather than spending your time and stamina on bad things, try doing things that make you joyful. Enjoy life a bit !

When you do this, you'll end up that fun, thrilled individual your ex met in the beginning and laid their eyes and heart on... this detail will outshine the bad feelings they had in connection with you. You simply eliminate the negative feelings by adding stronger emotions.

Posted by randdawn at 4:21 PM EDT

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